Thursday, October 11, 2007

Learning Profile

I feel that I'am an average learner. Sometimes I might have diffculty learin sometimes. All of activites that we did were straight to me. Is that i listen good and understand most stuff. Just make sure you read all of the instructions and go to class everyday. Make sure your good reader because some of it will throw you off. I dont pay attention sometimes I get lost in my mind. Some people just are naturally smart and already know how to do an assignment. These blogs right here that I'm typing. Me just pay attention most of time and asking questions when I need help. I learned a whole bunch in class about drinking and other stuff. Basically just how to be a student in college. Write paragraphs better and be better student. What drinking too much and do to you. Always put school before anything else. It helps you to how to be a college student. How to be a better learner. It will help me to get to the next level. That typing how many words per a minute. Doing blogs for other people to read. Academic honesty really didnt occur to me. it worked pretty good for me, I learned pretty much how to be a better student. Actually some of these blogs we do and how help people in the struggle. More things about how help you to be more better than an average college student. The case studies and the projects. Just a little bit of the case studies more lectureing and less work. That you have to be ready to work and listen closely to what the teacher saying. if miss something ask somebody. That it helps you to be a better student. Always make sure you come to prepare everday you come to class. Make sure you read your book and do your case studies. Then if you do everything the teacher tells you to do, do it. Then everything would be easier. It effects me because it effects how I live and manage everything I need to do. For my life and later future. Then how i would work i would have to fill out a sheet for the job and they would ask about my background where i went to school at and previosly worked. I will make sure I have everything sorted out and planned before i keep going on doing it, becuase im get lost or mess up and the long run. I will take care of all my class work and be on time for school. Will spend my money better i dont when i would have an emergency ro something comes up. I will make better decsions because after i watch that movie about that girl over doing the alcohol. I wont let peer pressure bother any other stuff like that. Overall this course change the way i think about school and school related stuff. I wont be making bad decsions like i use to. It change the way I look at school work and being a better student in the classrooms. This is going to effect me in the long run for when I go on to bigger and better things. After doing those case studies about sexual herrassment i wont make fun of people thats gay and other stuff. It did really make me look at being a college student different.

Academic Honesty

My friends sitting by me when I'm taking a test. Or just talking to other people about the test or homework. The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. Something used and represented in this manner. Just copying someone else's work and saying its your own. There late on their work and want to get finsh quicker by any means nesscary. Some people aint as smart as other people so they use they work to get by. You can always study for the test or do your homework. You can ask the teacher for some help or get a tutor.

Coping with Change

The biggest change I had to do this year was going to butler. It wasn't really that diffcult. It's hard to me because when I adapt to something I like to stick with it. I dont like change sometime. Change is necessary sometimes Because you cant stay the same your whole life. It's just like buying clothes or a new car. In college your on your own their's nobody pushing wondering if you did your assignment. The only thing different for me is the class schedule and the time. I have to make changes myself for other people sometimes. In high school football if we were messing up they ask me for help and tell other teamates to change. The moan and groan but they got over it and put it behind them and kept moving. I really dont emotional changes usually unless somone close to me dies then something changes in me. The physical part I got bigger and stronger muscle wise. Most anxiety is just moving to El dorado and being away from my family really. When i get mad at the change if i dont like it, I really dont like it but if it have's to change then it will happen

Communtiy Service

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's surface air and oceans in, it's still going on. The global average air temperature near the Earth's surface rose 0.74 0.18 during the last 100 years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concludes, increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is because the greenhouse gas concentrations the greenhouse effect. The IPCC projected that global surface temperatures are likely to increase by 1.1 to 6.4 °C between 1990 and 2100. Warming and sea level rise they say are going to continue for more than a millennium even if greenhouse gas levels are controlled. This because the large heat capacity of the oceans. Other effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease. How warming and other changes from country to country around the earth. There is political and public debate to do anything about it, or just let it go. For every gallon of gasoline burned, about 20 pounds of carbon dioxide enter the atmosphere. So bike, walk, take public transportation, or carpool whenever possible. Solarize your cookouts. Build your own solar oven or buy one ready-made. Audit your home: Get a free energy audit on your home from your gas and or electric utility and then institute their recommendations

Time Management

I sometimes manage my time bad. I like being on time and having everything organized. If I'm late for a meeting, or like praitice I have to roll on the grass like 300 yards. I dont get what i want sometimes if I mess up my time. Most of time if I'm late i be sleeping or talking to some of my homboys. I got stay after and make up the time i missed. I feel great when I do manage my time well. If feels like I complete something big, because most of the time I'm usually late to something. If its something really improtant I would try my best to make it there in time. I guess you just got to have a phone or watch on you, so you can always tell what time it is. Start leaving early if you have to go somewhere or just right on time. Make sure your always on time its better to be on time then late. I dont know if its really diiferent. I was aways late in high school for classes because we only had 5 minutes to get from one class to other. I have changeing my ways slowy with my time and being on time. It does feel somewhat different from high school they dont make being late as big as a deal that did in high school. I feel that I'am gettig better with my time judgement, as Im growing because I have to be more reliable then I was in high school. Here are some resources to get better with your time.

Butler Resources

Jordan is an 18 year old student attending butler. He's having trouble with toher people who dont accept his sexuality as a gay man. He's looking for resources that are availble to help him. First of all he could go talk to counselors at butler. He could join a student organization, The feminist majority Leadership allinace, because it supports gay rights. In addition, he could talk to the resident advisor in his dorm. Since he's getting herassed at the dorms, he could contact the director of residence life. He could also read this article about a student in the same situation. Last of all, he could contact Bill Rinkenbaugh, Vice president of Student services.